Vision 2020 has caught on in the DRC South Katanga district.
The Church of the Nazarene cast Vision 2020 as a global outreach initiative.
The hope and prayer is that by 2020 there will be:
3.5 million members, 2.5 million people in discipleship
groups and worship attendance and 50,000 churches.
We could look at this and say it’s all about numbers. But,
it’s more than numbers; it’s people. Each member represents a life that belongs
to Christ. Each person in a discipleship group represents teaching and
responsibility that comes with being a follower of Jesus Christ. And, each
church represents the living and breathing body of Christ.
The DRC South Katanga district, made up of churches in Lubumbashi
(where we live) and surrounding cities, has decided to make Christlike
disciples in their nation. New churches are being formed in new communities and
villages; people are coming to know of the saving grace that is real and true
in a life given to Jesus Christ.
On Saturday, 5 churches in Lubumbashi gathered together as 71
people were baptized! God is moving, people are responding to His call and
lives are being changed. Praise be to God!