
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Africa Central Field Conference

For one week in September, we were gathered together in Lubumbashi, DRC. For one week, we worshipped in unison. For one week, we listened to each other's successes, failures and goals for the future. For one week, we ate lots of food (including trying pizza for the first time for many). As District Superintendents, Field leaders, Missionaries and fellow workers on the journey to follow Christ, we had an amazing time in fellowship as a group. Coming from cities all over the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo, our leaders were encouraged and left feeling ready to take on a new year of working for the Lord and leading others to do the same.

We thank God for small opportunities to come together as one Field and persevere together! God is on the move through this country and we continue to seek Him as He leads us all to be His hands and feet.

Stéphane Tibi, our FSC, leading us through morning devotions and prayer

Africa Central Field Leaders wearing our newly printed logos
District Superintendents, NYI Leader, SDMI Leader, Jesus Film Coordinator, Child Sponsorship Coordinator, Congo Mission Coordinators and Field Strategy Coordinator

Rev. Balibanga of Goma leading the National Council Meeting.

Gavin, talking through finances, alabaster offerings and projects for the future.

Sandra and I with the fantastic ladies who prepared lunch each day.
We had fish, chicken, fufu, rice, potatoes, noodles, red sauce, okra or greens each afternoon.